Tuesday, February 18, 2020


POETRY COMMENTARY BEHAVIOUR OF FISH IN AN EGYPTIAN TEA GARDEN - Essay Example She judges the personality of men around her and chooses a rich man for accompanying her as she sits alone waiting for â€Å"a collector, a rich man†. All other men get busy in their jobs after getting disappointed in her case. Different kinds of men are portrayed as different kind of fish. The old man is portrayed as â€Å"a cotton magnate† â€Å"with great eyepouches and a golden mouth† speaking of his richness, age and experience. The young man is portrayed as a â€Å"lean dark mackerel†. The poem comprises seven stanzas of dissimilar rhythmic pattern. However, the poem follows some pattern as it contains rhyming pattern such as first stanza has rhyming words like â€Å"fish, wish†, â€Å"afternoon, spoon† and so on. We can also find rhyming words in other stanzas such as â€Å"submarine, lean†, â€Å"chair, stare† and â€Å"see, be†. The lines of the poem are not complete in themselves as they are connected to one another and get completed in several lines such. For example, a full stop can be seen after four or five lines. The poem as a whole follows an organized structure as we can find four lines in each

Monday, February 3, 2020

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

History - Essay Example The Republican sense of democratic governance depends solely on the concept of liberation, and it is non-existent in the English constitution. He contests monarchy and hereditary succession and points out that the English monarchy in itself had a long history of election and usurpation which holds against the Divine Rights theory. The latter half of 18th Century America has witnessed intolerable tyranny from the part of the royal representatives in its colonies, and the consensus to overpower the British rule and declare liberty for America is represented and promoted by the ‘Common Sense’. It asserts the basic right of American people for â€Å"life, liberty and the pursuit of property†. Paine points out in the conclusion that American independence is imminent due to certain unavoidable factors like the differences of priorities in British and American mindset regarding foreign affairs. The kind of mediation America wishes from other nations is made impossible if they remain under the rule of Britain, the association with nations like France and Spain will not take place because of their bad relationship with Britain, American rebellion on many counts against Britain is a reality and this makes things worse if British rule continues and there is general discontent and protest regarding British cruelty among Americans. Paine’s writing is very effective because he uses simple, comprehensible arguments to present complex ideas. He analyses the situation systematically, with due recourse to the general rules of governance and arrives at the solution of a democratic self-governance for American colonies. Though the persuasive elements rely a lot on an explication of the existing system of monarchic and aristocratic rules, the concepts are made clear in everyday terms, thereby helping people from all walks of life identify with his views. The Declaration of Independence was formulated by a group of