Thursday, August 6, 2020

Ways to Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Break

Ways to Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Break Today  is Friday, and the break is coming! Yeah! I am gong back to China to deal with some family issues and have my teeth totally checked and repaired. However, I know various ways other people enjoy this long break, especially international students. Study Hard This break is a great opportunity for students to catch up and do early reviews for finals. The library will be kept  open during the break except November 24-26, and it is going to be pretty empty, which means you could pick any seat that you want; thats usually impossible during school days. The open hours for each library are posted online, and you probably want to check before you go because it is usually different from normal days. Most coffee shops will be open, as well. Take  A Short (or Long) Trip Because of the length of the break, most international students won’t fly back home. They would choose to spend couple days in downtown Chicago if they would like to do some shopping and enjoy the holiday atmosphere. The decorations of Christmas are  up now, and the “Black Friday shopping” sounds interesting. Some may seek for warmth; many students go to Florida and enjoy the beach and the sun. We joke about this a lot and we say, “The students in Orlando could form a new University of Illinois. Yes, you may meet a friend in Disney World without knowing that he/she is in Florida! Get A Lot of Sleep If I was not going back home this break, I would choose to stay in town and sleep a lot. There are plenty of novels that I don’t have time to read during school weeks. Therefore, I would plan to finish them during the break. There are couple friends staying on campus for final projects or paper, so I guess I would invite them come over for dinner and wed watch movies together. It is always nice to do whatever you want during the break. I wish you a happy holiday and a great time with your family. Connie Class of 2018 I am double majoring in Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering and Statistics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. My hometown is a historical and peaceful city called Suzhou, located in southeastern China.

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